Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Thursday, 20 June 2013


This recently released video features actress Jada Pinkett Smith, her daughter Willow Smith, and Jada’s own mother Adrienne Banfield-Jones. The three generations of women discuss their relationships with one another openly, honestly, and in depth, with complete acceptance of one another. Within society, girl love (appreciating and loving our female counterparts), is often forgotten and turned into the notion that all women are ‘bitchy’, ‘two faced’ and cannot be trusted. The women of the Smith family are an inspiration and encourage us to consider our own relationships with the women within our own families and upbringings, and to not only relate, take advice and knowledge from the women before us, but also for older generations to grow alongside younger women, to understand a new way of thinking.

Friday, 14 June 2013


I had the best surprise when I arrived home from work today - an unexpected Amazon parcel that contained this beauty of a book! I've been lusting after Pearl Lowe's Vintage Craft for a small while now, but I thought it was so close to my Birthday I'd wait, luckily, I didn't have to. It's only been in my hands a few hours but I've been pouring over every page, getting excited to make pretty much everything in there. There have been other books, in the past, that I've loved at first sight but as soon as I see inside I lose interest because they're just full of things you'd never need or want to make, only the odd gem. From Bohemian Planters and lace panels, to personalising vintage plates and even reupholstery, this book has everything covered.


images - pearl lowe's vintage craft

Tuesday, 11 June 2013


 Recently Laura Fernee was chastised within the media for declaring that she is too pretty to be taken seriously at work. Many women I’m sure can associate with the embarrassing and uncomfortable effects of street harassment, which often seems harmless to men and women who don’t experience it. Personally street harassment can ruin my day, and often make me not want to leave the house, so imagine having this feeling daily at your workplace. Although Fernee’s argument may be controversial and arguable, I can understand her stance on the subject. During her interview on ITV’s This Morning, she explained that her male and female colleagues made her feel inadequate intellectually by assuming her glamorous exterior defined her personality and academic abilities, for example, a fitted dress, lipstick or pearl necklace.
As a young woman fresh out of University, I have begun the job search, and for the first time I have started to consider what I would wear in professional circumstances, for example, a job interview. I don’t believe that your individuality and unique qualities should be boxed into a boring business cliché, and if at any point you are in danger of not being taken seriously because of an overtly feminine or sexy style, I would simply put this down to sadly jealous and intimidated co-workers. Dress to suit yourself, and always be true to your personal style, whatever the environment.
images - laura fernee, jackets m&s, dorothy perkins, river island.

Saturday, 8 June 2013


 I'm somewhat lacking in Internet at the moment, as a result I'm posting this from my phone - hope it looks normal! The sun has finally landed in England so we're soaking it up as this last couple of weeks is probably the only summer we'll likely get, then it'll be back to being cold. Here are a few things I've found lately; pillowcases, a strangely cute painting, an AMAZING handmade throw I bought for €15(!) when I was in the south of France and a gorgeous vintage 60s dress from New Orleans. I wore it when I modelled for a vintage fair this last Monday.. But that's a whole other story.


Sunday, 2 June 2013

The SCAR Project

After hearing about Angelina Jolie’s recent decision to have a double mastectomy, I also happened to come across this website, The SCAR Project, which showcases a series of strikingly emotional portraits of young breast cancer survivors, shot by fashion photographer David Jay.
Initially, this project was designed to raise awareness of breast cancer among young women, however it arguably represents much more than that. These raw, uncensored photographs allow the women to reclaim their strength and power over their own bodies. The most jarring thing about these images is how courageous and almost heroic the women look, which as a woman viewing them, really makes you question whether you could be that brave in the same position. You cannot help but feel empowered by their honesty.
“For these young women, having their portrait taken seems to represent their personal victory over this terrifying disease. It helps them reclaim their femininity, their sexuality, identity and power after having been robbed of such an important part of it. Through these simple pictures, they seem to gain some acceptance of what has happened to them and the strength to move forward with pride."
- David Jay

If you are lucky enough to be a resident of America, exhibitions will be held in the following cities: Birmingham, AL, Washington, DC, Los Angeles, CA.