Well, I don’t know about you, but I LOVE Christmas. There’s something about fairy lights and log fires and Christmas carols that I just can’t help but be drawn into. One of the reasons I have such an ardent love for Christmas is that you can get away with glitter on anything and everything!
So first I gathered all my feathers – goose and duck feathers. These should be available from your local haberdasher, or failing that, online. Make sure the feathers you’re using are well defined – the fluffy ones won’t work very well for this craft as they’ll lose their shape when you put the glue on them.
Once you’ve got your feathers, find your PVA glue and use a soft brush to coat half (from halfway along to the tip) of your feather in glue. Turn the feather over and coat the other side - it doesn’t matter if the sides are a little uneven, it adds to the look!
Now for the best part; glitter! It helps if you’ve put your glitter on a flattish surface – I put mine in an old saucer. Then just gently pull the glued parts of the feather through the glitter, making sure there’s a good coating on it. Turn it over and pull the other side through. Then set your feather somewhere to dry while you make as many more as you want!
Once you are happy with how many glittered feathers you have, it’s time to get your jute twine out! Or your baker twine. Or your string. Whatever you want really! Space your feathers along your twine to check how it looks, then start tying them on. I used a simple knot and this seemed to hold mine fine, they’re still going strong. However, if you feel you need something more, a dot of superglue or hot glue on your feather as you’re knotting it should be all that you need.
Yay! Now you can hang up your garland. It can go anywhere; on your tree, on your wall, wherever you want! And as it’s not uber Christmassy, it can stay up all year round.
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