Thursday, 21 February 2013


I love needle felting so much! I think it is one of my favourite crafts, along with crochet and anything fabric-related. This is one of the easiest crafts I have ever made, all you need to get started is a needle felting needle (using a handle or holder with it makes it much easier but it’s not essential), some felt fibres (I have used merino wool fibres), and a sponge to use as a base. You’ll also need embroidery thread and a needle to make the garland. The sponge stops you accidentally stabbing yourself. But do take care during this craft, as it hurts if you do manage to accidentally get your finger or thumb!

Take a piece of felt fibre about 1.5cm wide and 50cm long. Tease it out.

Using your fingers, roll this up into a rough ball shape. The shape only needs to be rough at this stage as you’ll use your needle to felt it into a more rounded ball shape.
Using your needle, make small stabbing motions into the ball. The fibres have tiny hooks on them, like Velcro, and the stabbing motion and barbs on the needle make the fibres cling to each other, hooking them over each other.
Keep turning your ball as you are stabbing it, to make sure the shape holds. Keep stabbing the ball until you can feel it firming up.

When you are satisfied with the shape of your ball, move on to the next one! Keep going until you have as many needle felted balls as you’d like. Take your embroidery thread and thread it through the balls. Space the balls out where you want them on the garland. Now hang it up and enjoy how lovely it is!
The great thing about this craft is how many different colour combinations can be used. You could try neutrals with a bright accent colour, a crazy mix of bright colours, or pastels to fit in with a Spring theme. You can also make the balls as big or little as you like, or totally mix them up. To make a bigger ball, simply use more felt fibre, or to make a smaller one, use less.
I started needle felting using this. I can’t recommend them enough, super fast delivery as well as quality products!


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